13 June 2007


A Swift Pure Cry wins Abingdon Carnegie Forum vote

One hundred students, who had been shadowing the Carnegie Medal, enjoyed a day sharing their views of the Carnegie Medal shortlisted books, meeting friends from junior school, and making new ones. The Abingdon Carnegie Forum is an annual event organised by the Librarians of the six secondary schools in Abingdon.

The groups of shadowers discussed the criteria the judges will be using - plot, characters and style. There was no shortage of opinions: over 300 reviews had already been posted by the students from the schools. Guest judges circulated, listening to the groups, then retired for the hard task of selecting the best reviews for each book.

After lunch the discussion groups, which were lead by their librarians and English teachers, gave a short presentations about why their book should win the Carnegie Medal, and voting slips were completed. Whilst the results were being counted we enjoyed some cake. Prizes of book tokens and books went to the review winners, the 'Best Group Presentation' , and 'Best Contributor' in each group.

The Abingdon Carnegie Forum voted for A Swift Pure Cry as our winner, with My Swordhand is Singing close behind. Find out on 22 June if the real judges agree.

Our thanks to John Mason School who hosted this year's forum.

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